Painting my first outdoor piece— a traffic box in Decatur!
Image by Hector Amador
What a fantastic experience it was to paint an outdoor piece…in public. It’s a mural, except it goes around a 3-D structure. I got to paint a traffic box! How cool is that?!
I was so excited when I was accepted into the Decatur Box Project sponsored by the Decatur Arts Alliance. I love a new challenge, and this was one. I was one of 33 artists accepted into the program, so I got to paint a large traffic box! Never having painted an outdoor piece before, I was surprised at how much I loved everything about it!
One of the best parts of the whole experience was the interactions with all the passers by as I worked. People yelled and waved “Thank you!” as they drove by. Families stopped to chat.
And the best interaction was one with a man of very small means who stopped to chat briefly as I was working. He gave me the biggest smile and told me how much he loved the work. 💕 He also asked, with much concern, whether I had enough cold water. (It was a HOT day.) He was ready to share some of his stash that he must have just bought. What a kind, beautiful soul! He had such a kind, gentle energy.
Painting this traffic box I was reminded how much I love painting large pieces! I really get sucked into a special flow when I paint large, and I love the physicality and large body movements that large works require. It’s a full body experience.
I’m excited for the possibility of painting more large pieces and more murals.
And I’m delighted that I can share a bit of my art energy with the community. My hope is that my work brings many some peace and joy or simply a smile to help brighten up their days.
My traffic box can be found at the corner of Commerce Dr and W Howard Ave in Decatur.
The making of the traffic box
Image by Hector Amador
Image by Hector Amador
Image by Hector Amador
Image by Hector Amador
Image by Hector Amador